Samsung 12-inch Galaxy NotePro Android Tablet Hands-on

If there is a screen-size arms race going on, then Samsung dropped the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb at CES when it announced a 12-inch tablet. We recently got a chance to go hands-on with this imposing piece of Android hardware.At this year’s CES, Samsung surprised everyone with the announcement of its new Galaxy Pro series of tablets, with the Galaxy NotePro 12.2 being the star of the show. This 12-inch slateis one of the biggest Android tablets currently available - only Toshiba’s older Excite 13 is bigger. With the addition of the Pro series tablets (which also come in 8.4- and 10.1-inches), Samsung now has a total of eleven tablets in its current line-up, which if you ask us is a little insane. However, when we met with Samsung last week, one of its executives said that he believes in the idea of ‘Device Democracy’ - he wants customers to have the freedom to be able to buy a device in any size they want. Of course, not everyone knows what size they need, so we do think that perhaps Samsung’s tablet selection is a little overwhelming for the average user.
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