Nokia X Android Smartphones Won’t Launch in US, Canada, Japan or Korea – Huh?

Company executive confirms rollout of Nokia’s first Android-powered Smartphone range, which for some reason excludes some of the world’s most important markets
The Nokia X has been one of the longest-rumored devices to crawl out of the woodwork for some time. Seriously – there was once a time when the idea of an Android-powered Nokia seemed about as likely as the iPhone 6 running Tizen, but as we’ve learned time and time again it’s impossible to know what a tech firm will try out when facing turbulent times.So now we’ve had the official announcement of the Nokia X, the Nokia X+ and the Nokia XL, confirming that there is indeed a place for Android in the Finnish firm’s future. All very exciting stuff of course, but the whole affair has been tinged by the slightly sour matter of availability…or distinct lack thereof, as the case may be.If you’re looking to take home a piece of Nokia and Android history – and an affordable one at that – you better hope you don’t live in one of the regions that aren’t invited to the party. It’s not unusual for certain markets to be overlooked for one reason or another, but in the case of the Nokia X…well.
According Nokia’s Mobile Phone marketing VP, Jussi Nevanlinna, you’re wholly out of look if you’re waiting for the X to launch in Canada, South Koreas, Japan and….yep, the US.Technically you’ll still be able to pick one up internationally or from a reseller here in the US, but that will of course mean paying well over the standard price of about $150 or so…which sort of defeats the purpose.Is there a method behind Nokia’s madness? Perhaps a second wave of Android-based handsets in the running for a US launch later this year?
We’re having a bit of trouble figuring out the logic in this one…
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