Desired voltage regulation have become increasingly demanding as microprocessors and ASICS, increased power and complexity. The growing complexity Primarion Digital Power Management (IPM) digital communication bus through increased accuracy, real-time monitoring and control capabilities has led to the introduction of the solution. The simple system design is reduced by M solution implementation cost and good performance.
Primarion aisiaisa Intel's core strengths, AMD graphics processor power voltage regulator modules (VRMS) and leading server original equipment manufacturers (CM) and are shipping the server in OEM systems, menaborada up in. Primarion digital control features enable third-generation digital power system-level solutions that optimize, now are samples of low-cost passive components by the use of adaptive digital calibration accuracy and the ability to power a simple graphical user interface designed to improve the functional short answers using less foreign capacitance (passengers) quickly respond to changes, and to make. Primarion lower overall solution needs to address components and the electricity costs than the current.
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